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·POSITION:NewsCompany Activities → Stick to the bottom line of safety Build a solid foundation for safety

BLUESKY conducted a joint safety and environmental inspection with the premise of compliance and escort for production.
Date:2024/3/4 14:19:48  View:  【 Font Size:Big Medium Small 】  【CLOSE

On February 28th, during the window period of the National Two Sessions, the province's "Hundred-Day Battle" continued to exert efforts, and enterprises entered the initial stage of resuming work and production. BLUESKY conducted a joint safety and environmental inspection to ensure a good start and stable progress for the year's safety production work.

BLUESKY conducted a joint safety and environmental inspection with the premise of compliance and escort for production.

The main person in charge Feng Qionghua made a mobilization speech before the inspection. As the year 2024 is the critical period of overcoming difficulties and challenges for BLUESKY, we will adhere to the premise of compliance and focus on economic constructionBoth are mutually reinforcing and dispensable, and both need to be supported by strength. We must actively exert subjective initiative and operate legally and compliantly in various aspects such as safety, environmental protection, special equipment, and logistics transportation. Currently, the global economy is in a state of weak recovery, we should take the concept that enterprises have profits, governments have tax revenues, and employees have income as the starting point and strive to enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises.

Subsequently, Feng Qionghua led the team to study the rectification measures of the investigation report on the August 3rd accident, further implement the main responsiblity of enterprise safety production. we must deeply learn from the lessons of the accident, strengthen the sense of responsibility for safe development, strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations, enhance the main responsibility for safety production system and regulations, improve safety operating procedures and hidden danger investigation system. Increase investment in establish and improve the safety production responsibility system and safety production rules and regulations, and improve safety operating procedures and hidden danger investigation systems. Increasing investment in safety production, improving the degree of production automation, and enhancing the intrinsic safety of the enterprise. Strengthening safety trains, further enhancing the quality of employees, especially the business quality of front-line team leaders and workshop directors, and improving their judgment and disposal capabilities in abnormal situations. We need to review the company's safety management system and safety operating procedures, and address the problems exposed in the accident, fill in the gaps, and improve deficiencies. We need to further strengthen the operability of the system, implement responsibilities to positions and specific personnel; we need to develop safe and effective operating procedures for the layered distillation process, which was not established by the company during the accident; we need to further refine the whole process management of abnormal operations, achieve integration of top and bottom, and implement the emergency reporting system in abnormal situations."

Safety and environmental protection are separate disciplines, and We must firmly establish the confidence and determination that "safety can definitely be managed well, and environmental protection can definitely be managed well." We must resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of the enterprise, put ourselves in it, put the duties in it, put the locality in it, further strengthen the implementation of the full staff safety production responsibility, and ensure safe production to safeguard BLUESKY!

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